I know it's been a while since I posted. So, I thought you'd like to see this video!!
First there was Marley.... now you're stuck with me!!
I know it's been a while since I posted. So, I thought you'd like to see this video!!
Photo shoots are 90% waiting and 10% work. I brought my business manager Rocky to make sure everything went smoothly.
The product is a dog toy shaped like a coffee cup.
We got the money shot and then they tried to take the toy away from me. I really liked this toy so I put my foot down and said I wanted to keep it.
After that, and a bit of wheeling and dealing by my manager, I got to take the prototype home and now it's all mine!!
Our beaches are pretty rocky and covered with logs that wash down from the mountains. We were at a State Park and not allowed to run on the beach like some of you can do.
We sat down at a picnic table and looked out at the sound. Yup, this is not an ocean. It is Puget Sound. Mom said lots of people (and dogs) don't know that Seattle isn't on the ocean. Here I am looking out at the view.
Mom.....why did you take that picture of me with my tongue out?Rocky enjoyed the view too!!
Dad took Rocky down by the water and walked down the beach. I stayed with Mom since she doesn't walk very well.
I can't see Dad & Rocky. I'm getting worried!!
He calls his website "Hollywoods Most Hated Website". That Perez is evil and is calling Fergie's friend Wii.I.am bad names for defending her. Well, I am defending her too! I do not use bad words like Perez does. I hope all my Hollywood pals stand up for Fergie and kicks Perez to the curb!!
I'm in no mood for that "cute" stuff!!!
While we were waiting for the groundbreaking, I met lots of Mom's friends and her priests Father Nagel, Father Steve, and Father Gary.
Here is Father Nagel and friends actually groundbreaking........
I think it would have been a lot faster if I had dug the hole.
Today I also received another award from my new friends at Country Corgi's.
It's called Top Ten Blogs That Make Me Smile.
Here are the rules:
1. The winner may put the logo on their blog
2.Put a link to the person who sent you the award
3.Nominate 10 blogs
4. Leave a message for your nominees for: Top Ten Blogs that Makes Me Smile
This leaves my with a bit of a problem. I have to break the rules. There are way more than 10 of my friend's blogs that make me smile so I leave this award to all those who feel that my blog makes them smile. If my blog makes you smile please feel free to post this award to your blog.
P.S. Mom said she's sorry for the poor quality pictures. They were from her cell phone.